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District Vision and Mission


CCSC Vision and Goals

Vision of the Corporation:

The vision of the Crawfordsville Community School Corporation is to provide each student with a foundation for building a successful future as a responsible, productive citizen in a global society.

Mission and Goals of the Corporation:

The mission and goals of the Crawfordsville Community School Corporation are to:

Support a variety of paths to academic success and lifelong learning.

  • Emphasize student focused instruction appropriate to different needs and learning styles
  • Expect high levels of academic achievement for all students as measured by standardized assessments
  • Utilize our organizational structure to create opportunities to maximize student achievement
  • Support teacher and administrator efforts to integrate learning across disciplines
  • Support pre- and post-educational opportunities where possible
  • Expect instructional excellence from all teaching staff

Support character education and character development in the school community.

  • Support, model, and commend upholding the six pillars of character at all levels, recognizing them as integral learning and life skills
  • Continue character education activities throughout the corporation
  • Promote service learning activities within and beyond the community

Support the appropriate use of fiscal resources to maintain and enhance the community’s investment in education.

  • Explore opportunities to make our schools more energy efficient and environmentally friendly
  • Continue seeking grants that enhance educational opportunities for students and professional staff
  • Continue proactive involvement in the legislative process as it affects the fiscal integrity of our schools
  • Buildings will be maintained with an emphasis on educational functionality

Support programs to overcome obstacles that interfere with learning.

  • Ensure a safe, orderly, and positive learning environment
  • Maintain the health, wellness and nutrition program for students and staff
  • Use technology to enhance learning, communication, and organization
  • Continue support for credit recovery
  • Continue to build and develop partnerships with mental health and other service agencies to support students and families

Support the involvement of parents and community as partners in education.

  • Encourage students and families to participate in educational programs
  • Use community resources to support academic, social, and civic learning
  • Ensure parental and community support and involvement through clear, open, and timely communication
  • Encourage and recognize parental and community support and involvement

Dated Adopted: March 13, 2014