Health & Immunization News
The State of Indiana requires all 12th grade students to have received two doses of MCV-4 meningococcal vaccine, which protects against bacterial meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is rare but exceptionally severe-infected people can die within 24 hours, and many suffer limb amputations due complications of to the disease. Research has shown that protection that students receive at 6th grade entry wears off after a few years, which is why a booster dose is indicated, to extend protection into the years in which young adults are most at risk of acquiring meningitis. Two doses of meningococcal type B vaccine are also strongly recommended, as that type has been linked to recent college outbreaks and is not covered by the MCV-4 vaccine.
New for 2018: Two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine are also required. HPV vaccine, which prevents many tpes of cancers, is also strongly recommended.
All incoming students must have had Tdap (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis)and MCV-4 (meningitis) vaccines, and two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine. HPV vaccine, which prevents many cancers, is strongly recommended.
All students in grades K-12 now must have received two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine. Hepatitis A is a liver infection that is usually linked to improperly handled food.
2019-2020 State of Indiana Immunization Requirements
Contact your health care provider NOW if your student does not yet have the required vaccines for school entrance. Your child may be excluded from school. Those who have no health insurance, or who have Medicaid, HIP 2.0, or Hoosier HealthWise insurance, may visit the Montgomery County Free Clinic, 816 Mill Street, 362-3244. Shots are given at no charge to those who qualify every Tuesday morning.
State of Indiana Proposed 2020-2021 Immunization Requirements
Health screenings are mandated by the state of Indiana. Hearing is screened by our speech and hearing professionals in grades pre-K, 1, 4, 7, & 10, per I.C. 20-34-3-14. School nurses carry out vision screenings in grades K/1, 3, 5, & 8, as required in I.C. 20-34-3-12. Other students suspected of having a hearing or vision problem, and any being referred for special education services are also screened.